Daisyrust - Update in Progress

If you visit daisyrust.com regularly you may have noticed some changes.

The former host, Textdrive, sadly went out of business. An innovative and high-risk enterprise, Textdrive were a novel and fully featured host. But didn't do the clearest of jobs at telling clients of their immanent demise.

As prominent as they were you can read a story of their rise and demise on wired: Link: Textdrive on Wired

You will find changes occurring at quite a fast pace as I restore content from Old Daisyrust to New Daisyrust. I'll do the portfolio pages first, then work on the rest. So please bear with me while these changes happen. You'll find odd templates quirks, lorem ipsum and stock imagery in the meantime. Release early, release often!

TextDrive wasn’t just a place where you could host a website. It was an experiment in venture funding, a means of bootstrapping a much larger company.

Klint Finley in Why Turning Your Customers Into ‘Mini-VCs’ Isn’t a Great Idea

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